El Uno Donde Las Chicas Comen Todo

Disclosure: for those of you who don’t enjoy reading/seeing pics of food – we highly suggest you stop reading now.

As this past week was more low-key and Cassie is currently snow-bunnying it up with her family in the Swiss Alps, we decided to take this blog post to show the amazing food in Sevilla. Being that it is half-way through our semester abroad (we don’t know how either- man time REALLY flies when you’re having fun), we want to summarize some of our favorite places in Sevilla (or of all time).

(in no specific order)

1. Ovejas Negras

“Trendy” tapas full of gluten free bread, amazing burrata, and so much more!

Ovejas Negras Patatas Bravas y Buratta

Ovejas Negras
Patatas Bravas y Burrata

Perro Viejo Eggplant Dish

Perro Viejo
Eggplant Dish

2. Perro Viejo

Another place full of trendy tapas. Make sure you listen to the waiter when he/she tells you that the rice dish is TOO big for one person- Jodi didn’t believe them and received a large paella-sized bowl to finish herself. Challenge accepted.

Perro Viejo  Buratta

Perro Viejo

Perro Viejo Salmon Ceviche

Perro Viejo
Salmon Ceviche

3. Mamarrancha

AMAZING tapas! Think: burrata with roasted pumpkin, DIY eggplant miso soup, do we need to go on? Unfortunately, we were too hungry to take pics. But here is the amazing dessert we had!

Mamarrancha Chocolate mouse with pear and vanilla ice-cream

Chocolate mouse with pear and vanilla ice-cream

4. San Telmo

Ah, San Telmo. Our home away from home. Literally, because it is basically in our backyard and is home to authentic Spanish tapas with a twist. You’ll see what we mean in the pictures below.

San Telmo Cheese, Tomato, and Eggplant Tower

San Telmo
Cheese, Tomato, and Eggplant Tower

San Telmo Roast Beef, mustard, and mashed potatoes

San Telmo
Roast Beef, mustard, and mashed potatoes

5. Catalina

Catalina is San Telmo’s next-door neighbor. Basically the “girl next door.” She is home to our first meal here in Sevilla. One which we will never forget (because we keep going back).

Catalina Pesto Greek Salad

Pesto Greek Salad

6. La Gallina Blanca

A little spice of Italian food here in local Sevilla.

La Gallina Blanca Burrata

La Gallina Blanca

La Gallina Blanca Eggplant Parm

La Gallina Blanca
Eggplant Parm

La Gallina Blanca Salad with DIY Honey

La Gallina Blanca
Salad with DIY Honey

La Gallina Blanca Caprese Tower

La Gallina Blanca
Caprese Tower

7. Dos de Mayo

Bringing the spirit of College Park, MD, Dos de Mayo is a hectic restaurant where you order at the bar and they notify you with a buzzer (a la Cheesecake Factory) when your food is ready. It is well-worth the constant struggle to find a tendency and worth the stalker-like tendencies you develop. This is home to one of our favorite dishes in Sevilla. We can’t describe it, we can’t really do it justice with a picture. So you’re just going to have to come try it in Sevilla yourself.

Dos de Mayo Eggplant Dish

Dos de Mayo
Eggplant Dish

8. Catalina Casa de Comidas

Different than the other Catalina mentioned above. Home of the ox tail which we tried and fell in love with. #SorryRabbi

Catalina Casa de Comida Ox Tail

Catalina Casa de Comidas
Ox Tail

9. The Room

Mixing it up with some asian fusion! Home of pad thai and other amazing asian dishes that are truly one of a kind. Also the home of the place where they gave us the smaller version of Pad Thai than we ordered, so we asked for more #FoFree

The Room Pad Thai

The Room
Pad Thai

10. El Barranco

The “Glass Market” of Sevilla! Great place to try all sorts of restaurants in one location.

El Barranco Meatballs and Paella

El Barranco
Meatballs and Paella

El Barranco Burrata

El Barranco

And that’s all for now! See you in 2 weeks after our first spring break to ITALY!!!


JZ and CW

The One With Saint Patrick and the Saint that is Sevilla

Disclosure: When we mention Temple Bar in this article it in no way refers to the holy place in which we had our Bat-Mitzvahs. Sorry for the confusion #Dad

This weekend in Dublin was definitely one for the books. It was full of brewskis, bars, and baskets of chips (aka french fries). To say that the weekend is one we will always remember is a slight fib in that some parts of the day were #hazy. It was definitely an amazing place to celebrate such a patriotic holiday. Some have compared this holiday to Fourth of July, tailgate season, and much much more. We personally feel that this weekend was like no other. Cassie found new residence at Temple Bar. To explain to you why, it might be helpful to know they played live music. Anyone who knows Casssie knows that she is a sucker for some live music #futurehusband? #hookherup #porfavor. The weekend was full of being with great friends and memories and we couldn’t have been happier to experience such an amazing weekend in an unreal place.

Note: we both were able to see the city through a Hop On Hop Off Bus tour of the city #noworries

The epic moment when you're eyes match the scenery.

The epic moment when you’re eyes match the scenery.

Dublin:1  Cassie: 0

Cassie: 0

Beautiful Temple Bar, Dublin

Beautiful Temple Bar, Dublin

Can you spot Jodi?

Can you spot Jodi?

We would like to take this time to tell you more about our truly beloved city of Sevilla. With March Madness rearing its end for us here, we finally are able to enjoy the beauty that is Sevilla. The restaurants we have found are truly unreal. I know this may come as a MAJOR shock to all of you, but we happen to have made more friends! I know, like who would have thought based on our pictures of Facebook and Instagram that these four months weren’t called Jodi and Cassie: The Duo. Additionally, with one of our roommates moving out (LONG STORY), we now have an extra room for storage and studying (HAHA).

Sundays have become one of our favorite days because it allows us to experience both the new city and come back to our second home in Sevilla. After seeing our friends abroad in other European cities, it is clear that we made the best choice possible for our study abroad experience. We are able to thoroughly know our city and enjoy all it has to offer. Don’t hate us, but the weather here is high 70s-80s and sunny every day. Let’s just say we don’t miss Netflix (kinda).

WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT OUR MIDTERMS ARE OVER!!! Let’s just say MADDDDD blanks were left on multiple exams #YOSAO (You Only Study Abroad Once).

Today we went on a field trip to the Triana Market! Definitely a great place to get a feel of the authentic Spanish culture. Jodi tried fresh sushi made of salmon, pesto, and seaweed salad. I mean………perfection to the MAX. She literally couldn’t even.

Not too shabby in Sevilla

Not too shabby in Sevilla

Triana Market for Daizzz

Triana Market for Daizzz

We want to welcome Cassie’s family to Sevilla next week! We both can’t wait to see you and show off our amazing city. Zingler’s – you’ve got a month to prepare to have Jodi schlep you around the city.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! We miss all of you so much! ILY!!! Til next week…

The One With All the Opium (the club)

Disclosure: This weekend was known as Abroadfest to all those in the tri-state area/anyone who we have ever met. While we expected it to be PV 2.0, it was actually an amazing weekend full of dancing and beaches! #ThanksMomAndDad

Welcome to THEEEEEEEE blog post about barTHHHHHelona!
This weekend was truly like no other in which the focus shifted from sightseeing to having a moment to relax and catch up with old friends! Don’t worry, we definitely did sightseeing – we just also took the weekend for a must-needed break from the constant running around cities trying to see it all!
The trip began with a typical European abroad student experience: flying RyanAir. RyanAir is worth every small amount of euros we paid for that flight.
Things We Noticed on our RyanAir Flight
  1. You have to be in shape to fly it – SoulCycle once a week just won’t do as it is a trek and a half to just get to the plane
  2. One can RANDOMLY, we repeat randomly, be chosen for Priority boarding! Is it sexist? Is it about how pretty you are? We hope not, because we have never received this First-Class/Beyoncé treatment
  3. When you land (which will have turbulence) – a short jingle will play that will take you back to a land full of fear and childhood merry-go-round memories
But enough complaining, the flight was cheap and we got there safely (said everyone reading this post!) WE know, we KNOW! Just had to air it out okay!
Back to the important stuff- BARCELONA!
We arrive Thursday night to find our Air B n’ B to be…ehhh “different.” To be honest, we were expecting the worst and despite popular opinion, it really was NOT bad. It was this weekend that we fully understood how being abroad is about the funny stories about the weird/gross places you live in and not able living in a Ritz Carlton. You got to ruff it up to get the good memories! We shared a room with all of Cassie’s Wisconsin friends, aka a total of 12 of us – think Real World: Barcelona OR The Bachelor (without any nice jewish boys to fight over).
Cassie and Jodi separately had school friends studying abroad in Barcelona (who are actually rooming together in Barcelona – small world, WE KNOW!) Anyway, so the girls spent their days being guided through the cities with their respected school friends and their amazing guides! It was definitely nice being reunited with their friends! But as Dorothy once said, “I don’t think we are in Madtown/CP anymore” when they saw the unreal Barcelona beaches and pickpocketing/butt-grabbing men.
Jodi and friends at random fountain in Barcelona!

Jodi and friends at random fountain in Barcelona!

Cassie and friends showing that black is the new black!

Cassie and friends showing that black is the new black!

We will spare you all the details of our nights out, as they consist of MMMMM-skaaa music and dance parties that lasted until a whopping 5:30am (aka when Dr. Zingler goes to the JCC for his sweat-time).
The weekend really consisted of spending good quality time in an amazing beach city in Europe!
  1. OMG wait you go there, do you know (insert last name who ends in -stein or -men)? She’s my BEST friend!
  2. Oh! I’ve seen that food on Instagram!!! Should we go? Definitely. Should we split two things so we can try more? Hundred percent.
  3. An ultimate game of follow the leader was created in the clubs at night – basically this looked like long lines of girls holding each other’s hands to make it through the crowd. Basically young Jewish mothers in the making.
When we arrived back in Sevilla, we were UNNNfortunate enough to get the worst cab driver since sliced (gf) bread. He instructed us in spanish to do something with the door! Jodi, as the official Spanish speaker of the two, thought he said that the door wasn’t shut all the way so she slammed it shut. He began to SCREAM and put his face in his hands and utter “AMERICANS SON LOCOS” and a bunch of other negative slurs to us. PLOT TWIST: he was trying to “teach us a lesson” and was “totally kidding.” The “lesson” if you will was that he doesn’t want to talk to us Americans in English because we will never learn. SIDETONE: he spoke perfect English!!! Cassie was extremely pleasant to him post-crazy, while Jodi was PISSED OFF. I mean, can you blame her? This guy went crazy on her for no reason and laughed the rest of the cab ride. He later said “you know I was kidding before” and Jodi responded that it was scary and mean and unnecessary and he laughed. Jodi, a lover of humor, found ZERO humor in him. He WEIRDLY reassured her outside the cab that he was kidding and tried to pat her arm. Jodi, in her natural arrogant nature, walked away without a peep.
That’s all folks! Back to Sevilla for a hot sec before we go to celebrate our favorite (ehh, sure?) holiday – ST. PATRICKS DAY in the city of all cities – DUBLIN, IRELAND!!!
Wish us good luck on midterms for the next two weeks!!!
P.S. miss all of you so much- here is something to remember us by


JZ and CW

The One Where We Won London and Brought Our Passports to Paris

Disclosure: We hope you are sitting down because this post will be quite lengthy.
Could we BEEE more excited to share with you our amazing adventures to the well-known capital cities of London and Paris??? We spent the last 6 days traveling those two cities. And by traveling we literally mean waking up at 7:30am and touring all day. To sum it up in a few words it was: enchanting, exhausting, delicious, and confusing.
First Stop: London
We arrived late Wednesday night in London. Immediately we felt like locals by taking the tube straight to our hotel. Our hotel was…ummm….let’s just say “cozy.” You could say it was built for a king if that king was Lord Farquad. The Kensington Rooms Hotel provided us with a bathroom fit for a small child and a labyrinth to get out of the hotel every time. I swear we spent a total of 30 minutes finding our way to and out of our hotel room. This posed to be a problem when the fire alarm went off at 6am in the morning. To say we were alarmed (pun intended) was an understatement. The labyrinth of halls on our way out allowed us to see an array of characters that we can’t unsee (aka a half naked girl and a group of wasted British women).
We began the day early, getting a quick bite to eat and then straight to the Hop-On-Hop-Off Bus Tours! Despite the “classic” London rain, we were able to see a lot of sites this day! Our tour guide was the best man we have ever met. His humor made the rain bearable and he even supplied us with gorgeous rain ponchos to sightsee Buckingham Palace. We were able to go to a delicious outdoor market (thanks to the recommendation by the one and only Brooke Zingler)! Then, we traveled across the Tower Bridge (during a hailstorm we might add) in order to see the London Tower, which held the Crown Jewels (or as Cassie called it, “the jewelry store”).

Rain Ponchos are the new black.

Tower Bridge pre-hail storm

Tower Bridge pre-hail storm

This is our "post-hail storm bridge" look  p.s. it stopped raining right as we got off the bridge #epic

This is our “post-hail storm bridge” look
p.s. it stopped raining right as we got off the bridge #epic

Our next stop was to the meca of all mecas: Harrods. Decadent and luxurious are the two words that perfectly sum up our experience there. The most unbelievable part was that there were people that actually bought these crazy expensive items with no second thought (NOT the frugel kugels of the world if you know what I mean).
With our day reaching its end, we decided to stroll on down to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. On our way, we took the tube and found the elevator to be overcrowded- forcing us to climb 193 steps. Life was LITERALLY a climb. Stairs are now the new enemy. Despite our new hatred, we landed in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory for an amazing production (Cassie’s favorite phrase of the weekend)! The show showed us how British kids are just cuter and better #sorrynotsorry. Charlie was adorable and had the singing pipes that made us shoot out of our seats like Grandpa Joe.
Read our tombstones: Death by Stairs

Read our tombstones: Death by Stairs

We've got the golden ticket!

We’ve got the golden ticket!

New day, same wake up call. We got out of bed pre-sun rise in order to begin our new day of exploring. Because we saw so much, it is best to be clear and direct at all the sights we saw. Big Ben. Parliament. Westminster Abby. Changing of Guard (crowded but overrated/we had no idea what was going on/felt like President Inauguration that happens every day). London Eye. Food market. Took fancy cab to Shakespeare’s Globe. It was closed. Went to top shop. Explored the Victoria and Albert Museum (showing a special Wedding Dress section – Jodi was FREAKING OUT). Whole foods (search for Luna Bars – to say we went to 7 stores looking for them would be a lie, because we went to 10…) Hotel. Much-Needed Nap. Dinner at Umami (note: pad thai can be found in every city in the world).
Our friend, Big Benjamin

Our friend, Big Benjamin

Where the Queen (not Beyonce) enters when she visits Parliament

Where the Queen (not Beyonce) enters when she visits Parliament

Westminster Abby (think: how do you solve a problem like Maria)

Westminster Abby (think: how do you solve a problem like Maria)

Big Buck Palace

Big Buck Palace

EYE love London!

EYE love London!


Been around the Globe, but couldn't get in

Been around the Globe, but couldn’t get in

Wise words from Albert and Victoria Museum's Wedding Dresses gallery!

Wise words from Albert and Victoria Museum’s Wedding Dresses gallery!

Saturday called for delicious cereal breakfast and classy high tea. We started our day going to the other side of London to see the well-reviewed Cereal Killer Cafe. It was definitely worth the shlep. The ambiance took us back to the 90s, while the upcoming high tea took us back centuries before. High tea was everything and more. We went to the Browns Hotel which graciously had a gluten free version of high tea. Yes, that means gluten free finger sandwiches, hot scones, and small desserts. It was by far the best meal we have ever had. This is ALL due to the scones. The scones were life changing. Is butter a carb? If so, we didn’t seem to mind smearing their homemade butter and jam all across our freshly baked scones. We HIGHLY recommend going for high tea when in London. High Tea is BAE. Scones are the ULTIMATE BAE.
If cereal could kill...

If cereal could kill…

11038645_10206258649804110_3709223554638453497_n 2

Camera Shy: the unbelievable scones


Our subway stopped in the middle of our travels, making us extremely grateful that we were in a country that’s native language was English.
TIME FOR THE CHUNNEL! We took the famous chunnel (known as that for the idea that it goes through the tunnel through the channel). It was quick and easy. Everything we wanted it to be and more.
Sharing some giggles on the Chunnel!

Sharing some giggles on the Chunnel!

We call this section: Two American Girls in Paris- Part Une.
Our experience was NOTHING like Carrie Bradshaw’s #unfortunately. However, none of that mattered because we were in the city of LOVE! Jodi could not have been happier/in a greater state of bliss. Jodi’s love for love exploded in this city.


The day began with a delicious French-style breakfast – so basically all pastries. Luckily, for Jodi, they found an all-gluten free bakery! Cassie officially wins nicest roomie in the world to eat gluten free pastries at her own will. The pastries were amazing (according to only Jodi of course). The ladies traveled to the Louvre, unaware that on the first of every month everyone gets in for free so the line circled around the block multiple times. However, after a security guard whispered sweet nothings in our ear and we found the secret entrance through the carousel that led us right into the museum sans-line. We saw it all and by it all we mean Mona #typical and Napoleon III’s apartment. Definitely not your average NYC real estate.
Jodi's first eclair!

Jodi’s first eclair!

Our homegirl, Mona!

Our homegirl, Mona!

What was wrong with Mona?

What was wrong with Mona?

Hey MTV, Welcome to my crib! - Napoleon

Hey MTV, Welcome to my crib! – Napoleon



After the Louvre, we explored the wonders of Cafe Angelina. Hot chocolate will never be the same. It can be described perfectly (by Cassie) as the taste of the end of your hot chocolate where all the excess chocolate is stored. It was that amazing. The waitress, in true French style, was so sassy and told us we ordered too much food #sorryNOTsorry.
No hot chocolate will ever be the same!

No hot chocolate will ever be the same!

Your newest Parisian hat models!

Your newest Parisian hat models!

After Angelina we walked along the Champs d’Elsey #casual and stumbled along some great hats and macaroons. Lauduree was everything we expected it to be. The macaroons were all they were cracked up to be. We could MAC(aroons) them all day. We also were able to explore the 5-story Louis Vuitton store that made us feel like a bunch of peasants. We then took the plunge and climbed the Arc de Triumph. But before we could do that, we had to cross the traffic circle to get there. Little did we know that we didn’t need to dodge traffic and there is a clear underground/less dangerous way to get to the arc. We were unaware and dodged traffic like mad men. But don’t worry, we live to tell the tale.

Labels and Love

Labels and Love


Then we stopped by this little known building known as the Eiffel Tower. It was beautiful in three ways. One- during the day, two- some lights on at night, and three- when the light show occurs. All three ways left us mesmerized. Cassie definitely enjoyed the crepe right outside the Eiffel as Jodi was obsessed with the neutral color of the Eiffel Tower #bothtypical.
Eiffel in love with Paris

Eiffel in love with Paris

Holy Crepe!

Holy Crepe!

The two girls left the beautiful sight to go to dinner and then a great night sleep at Jodi’s friend Ali’s apartment!
Waking up early (as per usual) the girls went with their new tour guide Ali to D’orsay. But before they could do anything, the ladies had to try the best croissant place in all of Paris (that happened to be down the street from Ali’s apartment #LuckyLady). The croissant was nothing less than “buttery and flaky and amazing.” No croissant will ever compare. Unfortunately, the museum D’orsey is closed on Mondays so the ladies were not able to go inside the museum #BigFatBummer. No worries for these gals! It might be surprising to know, but Jodi was pretty calm about a change in her strict itinerary plans. Our little girl is growing up!
The girls then went to walk around the shopping area, try more macaroons (but, of course), Notre Dame, go back to their Israeli roots by trying amazing falafel, and ending the day at Pompidou museum. The museum was definitely more of Jodi and Cassie’s style with its modern feel. Luckily, artist Jeff Koons was there! Definitely an must-see!
Three Chicks in front of the mighty Notre Dame

Three Chicks in front of the mighty Notre Dame

Preeetaaaayyyy close to Israel

Preeetttaaaayyyy close to Israel

Jeff Koons Takes Paris

Jeff Koons Takes Paris

Talk to you after our weekend in Barcelona #abroadfest.