The Last One

Wow, we cannot believe we are sitting here writing our last post. This semester has truly been amazing and one of the best 4 months of our lives. Thank you so much to our parents for supporting us (mentally, emotionally, and financially) through this incredible adventure. This post is dedicated to remembering the best and funniest things of abroad.
See you all soon (a.k.a. today AHHH what?)
People We Will Miss (or maybe not) 
  1. coke waiter with great egg breakfast dishes #HugsNotDrugs
  2. crazy cab driver who “didn’t speak english” yet yelled at us then spoke perfect english and told us it was all a lesson #ThanksTeach
  3. our spanish cinema teacher that we walked out of his class 5 minutes in when we learned it was all taught in Spanish #NoHabloEspañol
  4. The waiter who told us to stop ordering food because we had too much…. and then we ordered more food shortly there after
  5. the very mean and sassy waiter from La Gallina Blanca who told Cassie to say thank you
  6. Man in Marriott Copenhagen that reminded us it was a 5-star hotel and therefore we wouldn’t fit in
  7. The spectacular man from hotel in Venice whose toupee was on fleek
  8. Manu (no more words needed)
  9. The cab driver that let us pick our own playlist aka queen and “dangerous”
  10. The British Airways rugby team that acted as if they were at a bachelorette party
  12. London tour guide who made us cry of laughter and then gave us ponchos
  13. Woman in Harrods who bought her 4 kids all Moncler jackets #the1percent
  14. Our pink-vested Lisbon tour guide that sang our troubles away
  15. Chef at Cooking class in Seville who changed our lives with paella
  16. Guard at Arc di Triumph that was the sexiest thing since sliced bread
  17. actor who played Charlie in London Production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory #TheProductionDoe
  18. Lady at Rue 8 that gets an A+ in dainty jewelry
  19. Our sunglass lady that let us play with her baby
  20. JOBO’s son up at Glasgow University
Things We Will Miss
  1. not having to do school work #HardlyWorking
  2. the idea that going out for a meal is cheaper than cooking for ourselves
  3. convincing ourselves that ordering 7 tapas is perfectly natural
  4. finding a 2 euro coin in our wallets
  5. getting a gel mani/pedi for under 20 euros
  6. never having to tip anyone, anywhere, at any time
  7. The ability to casually travel every weekend from Thursday to Sunday
  8. Being able to drink/purchase/order alcohol #Still20
  9. Living in a “patio” with a rooftop terrace
  10. Never having to decide what we want for dinner and just order tapas of everything
  11. Wonkandy cuz… Bae
  12. Getting a Toblerone for each trip
  13. Finding symbolism in every city
  14. Free breakfast buffets
  15. Sharing a closet-sized room and loving every second of it
  16. Watching a movie every night as Cassie falls asleep
  17. The morning cookies in Mary Alice’s class… Making 9:30am classes worth it
  18. Getting “aceitunas” before every meal
  19. Hearing Jodi ask for them 5 times throughout the meal
  20. Each other… Obviously
Things We Are Looking Forward To
  1. the general feeling of being clean
  2. being able to use a dryer for our clothes
  3. get a salad/healthy lifestyle
  4. not needing to ask “is there WIFI” everywhere we go
  5. getting water for FREE at restaurants
  6. the ability to use our phones on the go (basically – being able to speak to our moms when we are walking alone)
  7. the use of a car instead of walking #MamasTired
  8. Being able to watch a show during its scheduled showing
  9. Not using military time
  10. See our family and friends! (Thank you for reading thus far)
Mistakes We Know We Will Make in the States
  1. saying “hola” when we walk into every store
  2. asking for WIFI passwords
  3. Saying euros instead of dollars
  4. Still using military time
  5. Always looking for our blackberry’s
Jodi and Cassie’s Favorite Tapas Bars
  1. Perro Viejo
  2. Viniera San Telmo
  3. Mamarracha
  4. Mercado Lonja del Barranco (aka glass market)
  5. Ovejas Negras
  6. Dos de Mayo
  7. Contenedor
  8. Gourmet at Corte Ingles
  9. Nikkai Bar
  10. Vega 10
Jodi and Cassie’s Favorite Hangouts
  1. Abril (PSA: Jodi only went once)
  2. Casino
  3. Bandalai
  4. Alfonso
  5. Ruko N’ Roll
  6. Tokyo
  7. Antique
  8. Botellon at the river



The One Where Jodi Found Bae in Lagos

Hello all! We are back with our (sadly) second to last blog post of the semester. It has truly been an amazing four months and we can’t believe we are 11 days away from saying goodbye to this amazing experience.

Jodi enjoyed the wonders of a Beer Bike in Sevilla. Don’t worry, they had sangria #GF. The bike moved MAYBE 5 miles an hour and I’m pretty sure Jodi is in the background of hundreds of Sevillians pictures on their iPhones #epic. It was definitely an experience that is #TypicalAbroad #Basic.

SOOO College

SOOO College

Beer Bike N' Hoes

Beer Bike N’ Hoes

Jodi travelled to Lagos, Portugal this weekend as a final hoorah with some friends! The weekend was full of fun times spent in their rented out villa. Yes, a villa, you read that correctly. Pedro (the owner of this villa) was more than accommodating, despite his first impression (picture four girls waiting outside the villa in the heat with no one to let them in). However, Pedro showed up in fabulous Ray-Ban sunglasses and gave us a full tour of the villa. It was beautiful and full of odd-oversized decorations (picture two enormous sunflowers framing the TV in the living room as ONE example). Soon after, we set out for the beach and began our last vacation from our vacation. The weekend can be summarized by: cooking, eating, cleaning, tanning, boating, sleeping, and relaxing. To clarify, the eating entailed going to one of the top 50 burger places in the world: Nah Nah Bah Burger. To say Jodi met the love of her life is cold hard truth (and no, it’s not the burger – it’s the restaurant owner). OH, and the burger was delicious as well. Lagos was a beautiful city that Jodi is overjoyed to be able to visit and end abroad with.

Homemade Dinner

Homemade Dinner

Sunsets on FLEEK

Sunsets on FLEEK

Villa Girassol

Villa Girassol

Cocktail Hour by the finest

Cocktail Hour by the finest

Dis Boat ain't loyal

Dis Boat ain’t loyal

Praia do Porto de Mós

Praia do Porto de Mós


Praia do Camilo

Praia do Camilo

Nah Nah Bah: Burger

Nah Nah Bah: Burger

We decided to keep this blog short and sweet because we imagine the next one will be long and mushy/full o’ tears.

Stay tuned for our last blog next week!

P.S. The weather this week ranges from 96 to 106 degrees. You’ve been warned.



JZ and CW